The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

The Notebook (Calhoun Family Saga, #1)

by Nicholas Sparks

Celebrating 25 years of The Notebook - the classic novel which became the heart-wrenching film.


Once again, just as I do every day, I begin to read the notebook aloud...

Noah Calhoun has returned from war and, in an attempt to escape the ghosts of battle, he sets his mind and his body to restoring an old plantation home to its former beauty.

But he is haunted by memories of the beautiful girl he met there years before. A girl who stole his heart at the funfair, whose parents didn't approve, a girl he wrote to every day for a year.


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Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews As you may know from yesterday's post I have been reading The Notebook this week. I knew the story from the film but I loved the book even more.

Naturally I had the image of Ryan Gosling in my head throughout the book. Even when Noah was old. Noah is the perfect book boyfriend. He's caring, loving and sexy. He loves Allie from the moment he met her and he never forgot her.

The love was so powerful that it brought them back together, like he always knew it would. This is the sweetest love story. Throughout the entire book Noah never gives up on Allie and I love him for that.

This book has the perfect ending. It's just so sweet.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 September, 2013: Reviewed