The Shifting Price of Prey by Suzanne McLeod

The Shifting Price of Prey (Spellcrackers, #4)

by Suzanne McLeod

Sometimes a bit of magical help might cost more than you bargained for ...

London is hosting the Carnival Fantastique, and Genny's job has never been busier or more fulfilling. Only not everyone is so happy. Genny believed she'd cracked the fae's infertility curse ... but the fae are still barren. It's a devastating plight to which the mysterious Emperor may have the solution - if Genny can find him.

She needs help.

She turns to the vampire Malik al-Khan, only to find he's wrestling with his own demons and, when the police request Genny's assistance with a magical kidnap, her own problems multiply too. Is it all unconnected, or can the Emperor help her solve more than the fae's infertility? Soon Genny is hard on his trail, so it seems she'll have a chance to ask ... but will the answer cost more than she's willing to pay?

Reviewed by Linda on

4 of 5 stars

*I received an e-ARC from the author in order to write an honest review of this book*

This and other reviews can also be found on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews.

The Shifting Price of Prey picked up a few months after the end of The Bitter Seed of Magic, and Genny is herself – business as usual. There is a lot of humor in this book, and I love the laugh-out-loud moments it helped me have :) even if it’s sometimes a little weird trying to explain to people why I’m laughing when I’m sitting with my kindle…

The story isn’t all light and romance, though. Genny has to face her strongest fears, both in dreamscape and in the real world. She also has a lot more emotional and romantic tangles than in previous books, and it has something to do with the trapped fertility, even if she and everybody else thought that part was already dealt with.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 12 August, 2012: Reviewed