Sparkle Witch by Helen Harper

Sparkle Witch (The Lazy Girl's Guide to Magic, #3.5)

by Helen Harper

Snow. Santa. Snuggles... Stress.

You would think December would be Ivy's ideal time of year. After all, festivities abound and witches everywhere are encouraged to put their feet up and relax. That's not quite the case when she has various Order members attempting to finagle her into Christmas activities and a special artefact from the top of the Christmas tree goes missing. Either someone is attempting to sabotage Winter or something very strange is afoot indeed.

This is a short holiday novella.

Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

4 of 5 stars

Sparkle Witch is a short bonus story and a good-bye to the series.

Ivy the non-Order witch is now helping her boyfriend, Ibsissimus Winter, reorganize the Honorable Order of Magical Enlightenment. How did that happen? But the laziest witch in town is also learning the benefits of delegating. She has a whole order of neophyte witches at her back and call, sweet! First order of business, decorate the Order for Christmas.

If only she could find someone to delegate the annoying ghosts who are still hounding her for resolutions to their curses. As the only witch who can see the dead, Ivy is stuck trying to solve all problems of the spirit world.

When the silver angel goes missing, you know the one prophesized to bring the downfall of the Order and mass destruction if it is lost–Come on, really? Why do things have to be cursed for mass destruction?–everyone will be looking to Ivy to save their butts.

A fun, holiday0themed last chance with the world’s laziest witch. I am going to miss Ivy.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 November, 2018: Finished reading
  • 24 November, 2018: Reviewed