Reviewed by bookishzelda on

So I have read Destiny’s Fire and I had loved it so I was pretty excited to read this. I love these books because Trisha takes Egyptian history and mixes it in with a unique world. You see so many different books based off of Greek Mythology it’s refreshing to see a different approach taken. Plus there is just something so romantic about Egypt and Cleopatra you can’t help but be enthralled. Trisha does a wonderful job of transporting me into this romantic world of Eypgt as if I could feel the sand under my own feet. You do not need to read Destiny’s Fire in order to read this. I actually feel like I want to read Destiny’s Fire again now that I have this back story in my head.

I loved Astarte because she has sense of duty and loyalty that does not come from just being a slave. It’s because she loves the royal family like her own family. So for her as much as she would like to be free, she would never just pick and abandon them. She would still be a protector of the family because that is who she is. I was rooting for her through the entire book and just wanted to her kick some asses, which she does.

What a swoon worthy relationship between Astarte and Xarion. While I was reading I was thinking who cares about laws just get together. The chemistry between the two of them in phenomenal and it was easy to see that they needed to be together. I could feel myself sighing whenever they were in the vicinity of each other. If you are one that hates love triangles, never fear there are none here. Just a very sweet and endearing relationship between two people that is both beautiful and tragic.

Great characters, I loved how the villains were a mix of history and fantasy. There are some great side characters as well, like Astarte’s friends. Especially Phoenix, he is that funny lovable womanizing kind of guy that helps brings a little something extra to the book.
Okay there are twist in this book and not ones that I was really expecting. I would think okay this is totally going to happen and then what thought was going to happen didn’t but something that surprised me did. So that sentence might be a bit confusing but I definitely do not want to give anything away. I loved how things played out and the curve balls kept the story moving.

I consider this one of those bittersweet beautiful endings. There were so many heartbreaking moments in this book and the ending definitely had some of that. It also had a little bit of happiness sprinkled in too. I thought it was absolutely perfect for the story.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 3 April, 2013: Reviewed