Dayhunter by Jocelynn Drake

Dayhunter (Dark Days, #2)

by Jocelynn Drake

At the request of the Coven, Mira finds herself in Venice with Danaus 'for their own protection'. Yet, the home of the nightwalker rulers is anything but safe when Mira discovers that the Coven has made a deal with a splinter faction within the naturi. Mira must deftly maneuver through Coven politics while protecting Danaus from both nightwalkers and the naturi. And before the end, she must find a way to stop the naturi without being stabbed in the back by her own kind.

Reviewed by malberto on

4 of 5 stars

I liked this one more than the first, it's still a little predictable but there was more world building and I empathized more with Mira.

As in the first book some questions were answered at the cost of more being created, this one at leas has a resolution, one thing that bothered me in the first was that it just ended, with no clear conclusion to the storyline.

Now I really hope the origins of Danaus is better explored in the future books, no one likes a tease Jocelynn.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 24 June, 2017: Reviewed