The Bear, the Piano, the Dog, and the Fiddle by David Litchfield

The Bear, the Piano, the Dog, and the Fiddle

by David Litchfield

The second book in the best-selling, award-winning 'Bear and the Piano' trilogy.

The first book in the trilogy - The Bear and the Piano - has sold over 120,000 copies in the UK and won the Waterstones Children's Book Prize, Illustrated Book Category for 2016

Hector and his dog Hugo have made music together through good times, bad times and even some crazy times. But when Hugo learns to play the fiddle, and gets the chance to play with Bear's Big Band, Hector's jealousy gets the better of him. Can Hector swallow his pride and learn to be...

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Reviewed by lisacee on

5 of 5 stars

"Because good friendship,
just like good music,
lasts a lifetime."

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  • 16 April, 2019: Reviewed