City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

City of Bones (Mortal Instruments, #1)

by Cassandra Clare

First in Cassandra Clare's internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series about the Shadowhunters.

Love. Blood. Betrayal. Demons. First in the New York Times No. 1 bestselling series that has swept the globe, City of Bones is also a major movie and Shadowhunters, the TV series based on the book, is currently airing on Netflix. Irresistibly drawn towards a group of demon hunters, Clary encounters the dark side of New York City and the dangers of forbidden love. This edition contains exclusive bonus content as well as a map and a new foreword by Cassandra Clare. Read all the sensational books in...

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Reviewed by Mackenzie on

3 of 5 stars

First read: July 6, 2013.
Second read: Jan 5, 2016

Ah, The Mortal Instruments. A series that never seems to end.

Seriously, though. I thought this was supposed to be a trilogy. Next thing I know she’s popping out 3 more books (are more on the way? That’s a serious question), a spin-off series (which I love SO much more btw), and yet another spin-off series coming this year.


Okay, getting off topic.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock a la Patrick Star, you’ll have heard that they’re making The Mortal Instruments into a TV Show (it airs tomorrow in case you're wondering). And, as the good little bookworm I am, I simply had to read (or reread in this case) the book before the show came out. 1) So I can remember what the heck happened. 2) So I can see if it stuck close to the book.

The results?

My feelings haven’t changed.

The first time I read this book, I gave it 3 stars. The second time I read it, I gave it 3 stars. 3rd times the charm? Nope. The rating stays the same (and I seriously questions why I've read this so many times...). I liked it, but didn't fall in love with it. I originally picked this up because of all the hype surrounding it and was expecting it to be some utterly fantastic book. The second time was because the movie was coming out. Unfortunately for me, it felt very middle ground. I liked some things, hated others, or sometimes loved and hated something at the same time.

The one thing I REALLY loved: THE WORLD and PLOT

I loved the world-building. I truly did. I thought it was utterly fascinating and exciting. It was a world ripe with mythology and adventure. It was rich and beautiful and incredibly intriguing. I caught myself consistently wondering about this world Clare had built. I was so incredibly interested in all things Shadowhunters. Even if some points were slightly info-dumpy, I was still utterly fascinated by the Shadowhunter’s world. The demons and Silent Brothers were all insanely creepy and brilliantly done. And all the mystery surrounding the Mortal Cup and Valentine made me want more.

Unfortunately for me, an amazing world and mystery isn't enough to make me fall in love with a book. I need to like the characters too, especially the main characters. And, quite frankly, that didn't happen.

  • Jace: Don't get me wrong, I love a good snarky, arrogant, tough guy, but I just couldn't fall in love with him the way some others have. I can't quite pin-point what made me not like him. I think it was the fact that while he was arrogant and cocky, he didn't really have any redeeming qualities to counteract those characteristics. Somewhat one-dimensional I guess. He was simply cocky. Plain and simple. But he was sarcastic and I love sarcasm so brownie points there.

  • Clary: Eh. You were sometimes a rather strong girl and I personally felt bad for you, but you also really got on my nerves. I like that she didn't just believe them, but believed it over time. I liked her curiosity and her fierce protection of her mother, even though they didn't get along. But she was also a very annoying teenage girl. She got petty and jealous and angry. And annoying. Can't forget annoying. She'd vie for Jace yet get mad and extremely mean when Simon looked at Izzy. Oh, boohoo. You can't have both honey. Besides, you ignored that poor boy until someone else came along. Sucks to suck.

  • Isabelle: Tall, thin and gorgeous. Pretty much a model. I liked that she is a tough girl who kicks-butt. But I don't find her incredibly memorable. Again, she's like Clary. Stereotypical whiny, jealous teenage girl.

  • Alec: Not much to say. He was a jerk. I don't like him. But he also wasn't really in the book enough for me to really say whether or not he redeems himself.

  • Simon: I actually liked Simon! Yes, I'm rooting for the friendzoned boy here. He's funny, sarcastic, and geeky. Totally adorable! And he knows how to use a bow and arrows. Cool points!

  • Magnus: Okay, I can't deny that I do love Magnus. His "I'm awesome and I know it" attitude coupled with his careless and sarcastic demeanor made me adore him. He was cocky sarcasm done right. And, he's a warlock. He's just all around cool.

BUT I hated the ending. It sucked and was awkward.  I know what is actually going on from me reading the rest of the books, but the first time I read this, it just disturbed me. Not to mention it totally made the relationship beyond awkward in the next book.

Final thoughts

This series has potential. While I didn't really love the main characters because they were all typical annoying teenagers, I did love the world Clare created alongside all the action-packed adventure. If plot and world-building are the most important to you, definitely check out CoB! Although I didn't love it, it's definitely a series worth reading on a rainy day.

I will say that I think this could make a really good TV show. It's action-packed and dark and has a good plot line. As long as the acting doesn't suck, I have a feeling this will be a guilty pleasure.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 5 January, 2016: Reviewed