Gabi, a Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero

Gabi, a Girl in Pieces

by Isabel Quintero

Named to Kirkus Reviews Best Books of 2014

Named to School Library Journal Best Books of 2014

Gabi Hernandez chronicles her last year in high school in her diary: college applications, Cindy's pregnancy, Sebastian's coming out, the cute boys, her father's meth habit, and the food she craves. And best of all, the poetry that helps forge her identity.

July 24

My mother named me Gabriella, after my grandmother who, coincidentally, didn't want to meet me when I was born because my mother was unmarried, and therefore living in sin. My mom has told me the story many, many,...

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Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

I absolutely loved Gabi! She was brutally honest, and had a lot of things to say. I loved when she poured her emotions into her poetry, and I love that it was a healthy outlet for her. We followed her through her senior year, and it was year filled with some super fabulous highs and some really devastating lows. Gabi grew so much over the course of the books nd also discovered a lot about herself and the people around her. All I know is that I hurt for her, I cheered for her, and I just adored Gabi.


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  • Started reading
  • 2 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 2 October, 2018: Reviewed