The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

The Invisible Library (The Invisible Library, #1)

by Genevieve Cogman

One spy. One dangerous book. One deadly mission. Discover the first book in this gripping fantasy mystery series – The Invisible Library is the astounding debut from bestselling author Genevieve Cogman.

Perfect for fans of Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan, Jasper Fforde's The Eyre Affair or Ben Aaronovitch's Rivers of London.

'I absolutely loved this' – N.K. Jemisin, author of The Fifth Season

Irene is a professional spy for the mysterious Library, whose staff are sent to different realities to harvest dangerous and mystical fiction.

Irene has been posted to an alternative steampunk London along with her enigmatic new assistant, Kai. Their mission: to retrieve a dangerous edition of Grimms' Fairy Tales. But it has already been stolen.

In London's underground, the laws of nature have been bent – supernatural creatures and unpredictable magic stalk the land. The city is home to vampires, werewolves – factions that are all prepared to fight to the death for this book.

Irene must face a web of deadly danger, deception and secret societies. Her new assistant is hiding secrets of his own. Yet failure is not an option – the nature of reality itself is at stake . . .

Continue the journey with the adventurous second title in the Invisible Library series, The Masked City.

Praise for the series:

'I absolutely loved this' – N. K. Jemisin, author of The Fifth Season

'Irene is a great heroine: fiery, resourceful and no one's fool' – The Guardian

'Cogman keeps upping the ante on this delightful series!' – Charles Stross, author of the Merchant Princes series

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars


Five Caffeinated reasons to grab The Invisible Library

  • The stunning world building from the secret library to Irene’s quest to recover a copy of the Grimm Fairy Tales from an alternate London will have readers devouring this tale. Cogman’s writing has a delightful flow that slowly pulled me in and held me captive.

  • The characters are well-developed and unique. Irene is a professional spy for the library who is quick to piece together clues and Kai is her assistant who hides a secret. (Think Sherlock and Watson) These two work well together and more often than not I found myself laughing aloud.  She is aided by A London detective, a member of the FAE, and another librarian who wants all the glory.  Did I mention a dark nemesis spoken of only in legends who emerges testing all the players?

  • The case to recover the Grimm brother’s fairy tale led us on an exciting quest across London. We even travel in a blimp and run for our lives to avoid shifters. Cogman gave us villains, betrayal, book bugs, automatons and more that will feed your inner nerd.

  • The Library and portals, with a touch of magic had me eager for more and excited about the possibilities for this series.

  • While we learn a lot about the Library, and the case with the Grimm book was completed we are left with questions leaving me eager to return. The Invisible Library kicked off this adventurous fantasy series is a brilliant way.

Copy gifted by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 8 September, 2016: Reviewed