Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione

Lethal Rider (Lords of Deliverance, #3)

by Larissa Ione

The prophesies were there . . . but no one listened. They are the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and they have the power to usher in Doomsday . . . or prevent it.

Eight months ago, demon-slayer Regan Matthews seduced the fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse, Thanatos. Now, she's pregnant with his child - a child who, if prophecies are to believed, is fated to save the world. But things aren't always as they appear, and the baby conceived by two warriors may yet be the very catalyst that kicks off Armageddon.

Thanatos, who will be Death when his Seal breaks, never thought he'd have a family, but as he grows close to Regan and his unborn son, he allows himself to dream. But as the world edges closer to the end of days and his evil brother plots against him, Thanatos realises that the sacrifice he must make will destroy everything he dreamed of having.

Reviewed by kim620 on

5 of 5 stars

Even though this book took place 8 1/2 months after "Immortal Rider" it picked right up and got right to it. I loved Thanatos. Regan got a little annoying with her insecurities but it was understandable once we learned of her background. I was wondering how Larissa was going to handle Pestilence/Reseph but she totally answered that question and it's all set for his book. Larissa answered a lot of questions about Gethel & Harvester. Reaver's background is still mysterious.

On a side note I have been dying for Reaver's book since Demonica book 2 and the way she left him in this book has me wanting to time jump and read his book already. I can't wait for it.

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  • 3 June, 2012: Finished reading
  • 3 June, 2012: Reviewed