Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

Lord of lies is the story of the final sister, Portia. Portia was never interested in society or the men her sister wanted her to marry. She played along for awhile until she meets Dell Turner. Portia is fascinated by the life of deception, intrigue, and salvation Dell lives and wants to join him. He is skeptical not only because she is a proper lady of the ton, but because he is attracted to her.

I adored their adventures! Lord of lies really ties all the books together. This event is happening at the same time as the events of the previous two books and involves some of the same characters. I enjoyed seeing a different side of Hale and am dying to know more about Freddie!
Portia is such a delight and I am glad she found a way to be happy. I loved her moments with Angelique as well!

My biggest struggle was Dell’s stubbornness. He pushed Portia away frequently with only bad excuses and reasons. I wanted to throat punch him!

Lord of Lies gives you the historical feel but with more progressive characters that transcend the time!

3rd person
4 stars 3 flamesSee full review on The Book Disciple

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  • Started reading
  • 27 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 June, 2017: Reviewed