Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

What a Girl Wants is the third and final novella in the Bad Boy Billionaire tale. This is a modern day companion series to Maya Rodale’s Wicked Wallflower historical romance series. Together they make up her Bad Boys & Wallflower series. I am reading and enjoying both of them. What a Girl Wants was a sweet conclusion to the modern love story, and I enjoyed being caught in the rain with Jane and Duke.

Jane and Duke are in the midst of their new romance, and a hurricane is heading to the city. Jane’s reunion is almost here, and she is determined to show her former classmates she is a success. Duke is gearing up for a party to celebrate the launch of his billion-dollar company but none of that matters if Jane is not by his side. The tale that unfolds was short, touching and sexy.

What A Girl Wants is stronger than its predecessors as Rodale added depth with a painful subject matter. A confrontation with Sam’s ex leaves Jane feeling lost, vulnerable and afraid, but Duke is right there with her. The turbulence in Jane’s life has her starting Prudence’s story in the Wicked Wallflowers. Jane’s heroines often face the same predicament she has, and I am anxious to see how Prudence handles it. Rodale handled the situation with Jane well from supportive friends to sound advice. Through Jane, she shared the emotions one would feel, and Duke helped validate them. I enjoyed the banter between this couple, and the author adds both humor and touching moments as they work out their relationship. Despite it’s short length the tale is fully developed with twists and turns allowing the reader to enjoy the full ride in a small amount of time. These make perfect bedtime reads. Once again we get sneak peaks into the Wallflower series as Jane writes under the pen name Maya Rodale.

What a Girl Wants was a delightful conclusion to this modern day romance, and I enjoyed Duke and Jane’s story. This was a clever companion series to the Wallflower series. It is fun seeing how Jane’s life and romance with the Duke influenced the Wallflowers and their stories.

Copy received from publisher in exchange for unbiased review that originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 8 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 8 May, 2014: Reviewed