Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

FOREVER FOUND is the perfect ending to Gwen and Peter's love story. Told in Peter's point of view, this novella gives us what an opportunity to see just how torn up Peter was with Gwen's lack of belief in Neverland. It's not just because Belle and the island are dying, but more because Peter in so in love with Gwen that he needs her to remember exactly how much he meant to her.

What I loved was how the island and Peter worked. They searched for those that were lost, where no one was looking for them, and gave them what they needed. It was funny how Peter never knew what happened once an inhabitant of the island was no longer lost or that Belle never explained it. But that realization was one of the most poignant parts of this story.

A great novella and the perfect ending to a gut-wrenching love story between Peter and Gwen. If you've read GIRL LOST, definitely pick this up to discover their ending.

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  • 1 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2015: Reviewed