Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

Jamie Howard has a way of creating deep, dynamic characters that reach from the pages. Juliet is a sought after actress and Felix is a rocker who is wheelchair bound. They meet by chance on a photoshoot. Its insta-love.

Juliet's stalker adds some suspense and danger to the building relationship. As if a relationship between an actress and a rock star isn't already difficult enough, once you add the stalker, it becomes nearly impossible. But, Felix isn't giving up and I loved that about him! Juliet tried to push him away to keep him safe (Not my favorite plot device) and I was thrilled that Felix saw through that.

In the end, I think the ID of the stalker and how it would all play out was predictable, but it didn't really dampen the story for me since the stalker was more of a sub-plot. For me, the real meat of the story was Juliet and Felix. What Howard has written is a very character driven story about 2 people in difficult professions with difficult histories making love a priority!

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  • 14 August, 2017: Reviewed