Reviewed by Kim Deister on

3 of 5 stars

The first in a series, Zombified starts with a bang, full of action. In an incredibly short amount of time, zombies have taken over the town, at an alarming rate. No one knows how or why it has started and the zombie population quickly overtakes the uninfected human population. The story has everything you need for a good horror novel: gore, suspense, creepiness, and a battle for survival. The plot is a good one, with lots of action to keep you in the story. While definately gory, there were also a lot of suprisingly funny parts, especially within the dialogue of Joey. The story also went beyond the typical zombie apocolypse stories I have read, bringing zombies out of the grave and even a cameo appearance of a zombie dog! I liked the fact that although it was basically a zombie story, there was a lot of suspense and mystery underneath. When the novel ends, you are left with questions, questions I won't expand upon so as not to drop a spoiler. But there are hints throughout that there is more to the story than that which meets the eyes. There are hints that the apocolypse wasn't a total surprise, and that it mysteriously doesn't affect some people. A great lead into the next book, Zombified (Episode 2: Yankee Heights), out now and which I will be picking up to continue the story. It's a quick read, and a fun one! I gave it a 3.5 mugs.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 May, 2011: Finished reading
  • 17 May, 2011: Reviewed