Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Delphine just wants to run her restaurant in peace and avoid falling in love. But in Have a Bite she's struggling to do either of those things. Del is a vampire who runs an after dark French fusion restaurant which is doing very well, except for one food critic who seems out to get her. He goes from scathing reviews to arson to murder and Del needs to stop him! Meanwhile, she meets Jocelyn at a club and can't stop thinking about her. The last thing Del wants is to fall in love and have her heartbroken again. It's a lot for her deal with while also making sure she doesn't get into further trouble with the local coven.

Have a Bite was a very quick read. More because it's short than because it's action packed, although there is always something happening. I loved the premise of a vampire chef and her rivalry with a disgruntled food critic. That man really is unhinged! The big confrontation was a bit underwhelming, but it held my attention. However, the romance was less interesting to me. At the beginning Del keeps mentioning how she can't stop thinking about Jocelyn and how she's not like other women, but we had only gotten one scene of them together at that point. It was hard to believe her feelings, especially since we witness more emotion between her and her one night stands! But once they finally start dating, I found them pretty cute together.

I liked Have a Bite. It was fun and moved along at a steady pace, so I never got bored with it. I do think the novella length worked against it, as I wanted more from Del and Jocelyn, as well as from Del and McPhearson (crazy food critic). I did really enjoy the friendship between Del and Ophelia though, and certainly look forward to seeing more of them.

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  • 4 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 4 May, 2016: Reviewed