Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

My review is 4.5 Stars

What a sweet story about second chances! It was nice to read a story about a couple in their 40s.

I really liked Vivian. Despite being badly wronged, she showed nothing but kindness and grace. What she did with the money she made from selling Craig’s car was pretty amazing. She had some serious trust issues, but after the way her husband had treated her, that was to be expected.

My favorite thing about Bo was that he painted his wife’s toenails when she could no longer do that for herself. I also thought it was great the way he was so focused that he didn’t let distractions get in the way of him achieving his goals.

Without giving any details as to why, because it would spoil the story, Lucas is possibly my favorite character.

I love that God taught her a spiritual lesson through a stray cat. I know that God loves cats and having been adopted by a stray cat myself, I related quite well.

You can read my interview with Andrea at

This review was originally posted on

I would like to thank Singing Librarian Book Tours for giving me this item. My opinion and review were not influenced by this gift.

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  • 28 February, 2018: Reviewed