Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

We finally learn Clayton’s story in the fourth installment of the Impossible series. Clayton picks Rose up at a bar and they spend a passionate night together. At the time, Rose has no idea Clayton is an FBI agent. They are thrown together again when Rose’s brother Greg is arrested for his involvement with the Latin Kings. Clayton and his FBI team want to take down the Latin Kings, a violent gang and persuade Greg to help them.

Rose is tough and used to being kicked around in life. She has always taken care of Greg, who is a drug addict even though she knows she is enabling him. Rose clings to Greg because he is all she has. Rose is responsible and works as a seamstress for a prestigious bridal boutique. She pretends her life is great to everyone she knows and picks up men from time to time, to try to alleviate her frustration with her life. Rose has never trusted anyone.

Unlike Rose, Clayton had the perfect childhood and two wonderful parents. He loves being an FBI agent and is a good guy who always tries to do what is right, but is used to dealing with the lower elements. Clayton is sweet, successful and gorgeous. He has a thing for damsels in distress and is instantly attracted to Rose. Rose introduces Clayton to BDSM and he discovers another side of himself.

SAVIOR is an erotic, compelling story with strong characters, drama and plenty of sexual tension. Some of the scenes between Clayton and Rose contain BDSM and manage. This book can be read as a standalone, but I recommend you start at the beginning of the series and read Monster, Traitor and Avenger.

Reviewed by Karen for Cocktails and Books

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  • 31 August, 2013: Reviewed