Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung

Crazy Busy

by Kevin DeYoung

Constant busyness is dangerous for our souls. In this short, honest, and often humorous book, DeYoung rejects the "busyness as usual" mindset, helping us to make time for the things that really matter.

Reviewed by natpatreads on

4 of 5 stars

[b:Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem|17152690|Crazy Busy A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem|Kevin DeYoung||23572309] was great if a simple book on a common problem for many people in the Western world.

Reading through it, [a:Kevin DeYoung|1091700|Kevin DeYoung|] was able to keep my attention and focus for all 118 pages. I didn't find any of the information new or profound, but it was a great reminder of many principles that I can lose while pursuing my own busyness.

I found Chapter 3: The Killer P's to be quite helpful with its focus on pride and the reasons behind why so many of us are overwhelmed with busyness.

Some takeaways that I will be pondering from this book are:

1. "Am I trying to do them (other people) good or to make myself look good?"

2. When people review my previous week and what I spend my time on what would they consider the priority or focus of my life?

3. Do I say yes to the good in life (helping others, serving, being "busy") and say no to the best of spending time with Jesus and savoring Him.

So, yes - I recommend this book on busyness. It is a great reminder of where we should focus our minds, energy, and hearts. You will probably not learn anything new - it doesn't have a 10-step program on how to help conquer our busyness. Which is probably the best thing about it.

Instead - it focuses on the possible sin root in our hearts that could be leading to being overwhelmed with busyness and directs us back to where our focus needs to be: Jesus Christ.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 December, 2021: Finished reading
  • 8 December, 2021: Reviewed