The Scar by China Mieville

The Scar (Bas-Lag, #2)

by China Mieville

A human cargo bound for servitude in exile... A pirate city hauled across the oceans... A hidden miracle about be revealed... This is the story of a prisoner's journey. The search for the island of a forgotten people, for the most astonishing beast in the seas, and ultimately for a fabled place - a massive wound in reality, a source of unthinkable power and danger.From the author of Perdido Street Station, another colossal fantasy of incredible diversity and spellbinding imagination, which was acclaimed in The Times Literary Supplement as: 'An astonishing novel, guaranteed to astound and enthral the most jaded palate...exhilarating, sometimes very moving, occasionally shocking, always humane and thought-provoking'.

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

4 of 5 stars

I'm giving this book the same rating that I gave [b:Perdido Street Station|68494|Perdido Street Station (New Crobuzon, #1)|China MiƩville||3221410], but I definitely liked this follow-up better. The Scar doesn't require any knowledge of PSS, as they're only tenuously linked, and I recommend this one to anyone who was overwhelmed by the slog through the insane detail in PSS. MiƩville does a much better job being descriptive without wallowing in it here, and the story moves forward at a pretty decent pace even though it's nearly 600 pages long. I spent the last 100 pages or so reading very slowly and in short clumps, because I didn't want to be finished with it yet.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 18 February, 2012: Reviewed