The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V E Schwab

The Invisible Life of Addie Larue

by V.E. Schwab

YA fantasy from bestselling V.E. Schwab - Romeo & Juliet meets The Poisonwood Bible in this tale of star-crossed lovers and deals with the devil.

When Addie La Rue makes a pact with the devil, she trades her soul for immortality. But there's always a price - the devil takes away her place in the world, cursing her to be forgotten by everyone.

Addie flees her tiny home town in 18th-Century France, beginning a journey that takes her across the world, learning to live a life where no one remembers her and everything she owns is...Read more

Reviewed by Marissa Lupe Author on

5 of 5 stars

You know a story is REALLY good.. when you can't 100% with absolutely certainty say it is just fiction. "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue", by @veschwab was so true, so vibrant, and so full of life.. that it felt real. Addie sprang from the pages as though we were old friends and she was sitting on the sofa next to me, telling me her story.
Only when I read the acknowledgements, was I brought back into the real world, and submerged in awe at how enjoyable this book was. Highly recommend you pick up a copy!

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  • 29 March, 2023: Reviewed