Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

Witness is the first book in a two book mystery suspense series that centers on a young woman named Courtney, who finds herself in the middle of a murder investigation.

Witness is a rather quick read that I breezed through in one sitting. Suspense isn’t a genre I venture into often, as I end up most frustrated with everyone more than enthused to see what they do next, and while that definitely did happened at points, I ultimately enjoyed it. Courtney witnesses a murder and when she accidentally startles the murderer, she gets a look at his face and knows who it is. Suddenly her life becomes one of secrets and unease as she tries to avoid his attention and battles with the decision to go to the police or protect her family. I enjoyed Courtney for the most part and while I didn’t truly connect to her, I liked being able to be in her head as she struggled to maintain a normal life AND live with the fact that she witnessed some so horrible. She was one incredibly frustrating girl, but all of her decisions came off as something real and believable for a newly independent woman in over her head. I really liked the role that everyone plays around Courtney as well, and thought it had a great little cast of characters.

Kersey’s writing style was pretty enjoyable and I think it matched well with the use of first person and the quick pacing. The story was definitely one that kept my attention but I find it to be one of those rare books that don’t make a clear lasting impression after a few days, so I’m not ultimately sure if I’ll pick up the second book.

Overall it was a nice read with plenty of tension and a engaging plot, and while it didn’t leave me with a need for more I did find to be a great little down time read perfect for recharging in between larger reads.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 22 August, 2015: Reviewed