Reviewed by alindstadtcorbeax on
My loves! I got them back for a novella! Zuzana & Mik... This book was a rabid fairy whimsical DREAM!
I am twirling around in the proverbial snow (with peacock footprints around me! and origami butterflies taking flight! And fireworks igniting in my heart! ) right now.
This was nothing short of brilliant, heartwarming, & hilarious!
I loved seeing more Mik POV, he's absolutely hysterically, whimsically funny & the perfect puzzle piece fit for Zuzana, as she is for him!
And holy crap was this beautiful. Jim Di Bartolo's art is INCREDIBLE & SO totally my aesthetic and so boy, was that a freakin' TREAT! All of the illustrations take on a sort of dark whimsy (think Gaiman-esque)... ANDILOVEIT.
This story was pure perfection. Karou was such a welcome presence, through her texts to Zuze, as well... I missed her!
Reading updates
- Started reading
- 14 December, 2020: Finished reading
- 14 December, 2020: Reviewed