Brigands M.C. by Robert Muchamore

Brigands M.C. (CHERUB, #11)

by Robert Muchamore

Every CHERUB agent comes from somewhere. Dante Scott still has nightmares about the death of his family, brutally murdered by a biker gang. Dante is given the chance to become a member of CHERUB, a trained professional with one essential advantage: adults never suspect that children are spying on them. But when Dante joins James and Lauren Adams on a mission to infiltrate Brigands Motorcycle Club, he's ready to use everything he's learned to get revenge on the people who killed his family ...

Reviewed by funstm on

3 of 5 stars

This is one of the few books of the series I haven't read before. And for all I've been meaning to - I just haven't gotten around to it.

I enjoyed the first half of the book, but I felt the second wasn't as strong. It was action packed but it never really went anywhere. Particularly since there's no real justice served. There was lots of action but none of it achieved anything - there wasn't any of the usual uncovering of information that normally occurs in this series. I did enjoy that Dante's story runs parallel to James basic training and first missions. It was nice to see how it all intersected and what was happening elsewhere in Cherub. Dante was an alright character. A mini James more or less. I hated the whole Lauren tries to hook up with Dante storyline. Why can't one character in the book be monogamous? Honestly, I think I'm getting too old for this. There's just so much hooking up and breaking up and childish drama and it's a bit too much for my delicate sensibilities. I'm getting old. :( And I've said it before but god do I hate the way women are treated and portrayed in this series. Or maybe I said it about [b:The Escape|4223020|The Escape (Henderson's Boys, #1)|Robert Muchamore||4270419]. Either way, it's rampant in both series and it's disgusting.

Not the usual standards. I hope the next one is better. 3 stars.

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  • 19 October, 2017: Reviewed