Show-How Guides: Egg Decorating by Renee Kurilla

Show-How Guides: Egg Decorating (Show-How Guides)

by Renee Kurilla

Show-How Guides: Egg Decorating is a primer for curious minds with a clear, fun graphic style that invites any kid to get started. This pocket-sized 101 includes a curated collection of eighteen essential techniques. Every step is illustrated, allowing kids to easily master the basics, regardless of how they learn.

Readers will learn to dip, paint, and paper craft with natural dyes, food color, glitter, glue, and other glitz to make dazzling eggs!

Show-How Guides is a collectible, visual, step-by-step series that teaches the skills every kid should know, at a shockingly affordable price. They're the perfect stocking stuffer, birthday gift, or impulse buy.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

To be posted on my blog pre-release: Nonstop Reader.

Show-How Guides: Egg Decorating is a short and engaging tutorial guide to egg decorating aimed at young readers (and adult helpers) written by Renée Kurilla & Keith Zoo. Due out in early 2022 from Macmillan Children's Books, it's 48 pages and will be available in paperback format.

This is a clearly written and graphically simple guide laid out in comic style panels which are illustrated with line drawings showing many methods to decorate eggs. Techniques include dying with food coloring, surface embellishment with paint & glitter, wax resist dyeing, printing with inks and paint, and drawing. There's also a tutorial on creating "costumes" (stands and props) for finished decorated eggs. The tools and supplies for all of the projects are easy-to-source and inexpensive; most will already be found in the average home. The art is fun and whimsically appealing. I love the little artist's beret the narrator-egg is wearing throughout.

Four stars. This would be a good choice for public or school library acquisition, home use, scouting/activity/maker's groups or similar. It would also be a good choice for childminders, caregivers, teachers, or other adult facilitators working with youngsters.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 5 September, 2021: Finished reading
  • 5 September, 2021: Reviewed