Itty-Bitty Nursery by Susan B. Anderson

Itty-Bitty Nursery

by Susan B. Anderson

This sweet, user-friendly book includes 40 fresh and creative projects. With clear instructions and informative illustrations, knitters will ooh-and-aah over all the unique goodies Susie Anderson has thought up: a cupcake tea set, comfy pillows, finger puppets of the three little pigs, hat and sweater sweats, and other irresistible designs. With pieces for newborns and older toddlers, room adornments, and every type of baby accessory, "Itty-bitty Nursery" is an imaginative place where babies can live, play, and grow.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Itty-Bitty Nursery is a follow up to Itty-Bitty Hats, also by Susan B. Anderson. I borrowed this one from my public library in my never-ending quest to find cute (and fast) things to knit for the continually productive (pregnant ) coworkers in my department.

I had knitted (and enjoyed) a couple of the hats included in I-B Hats, and was on the lookout for some coordinating or similar socks/booties/quick projects from this book.

There are a lot of lovely projects here and my goodness, this author knows how to pick gorgeous yarns for her projects. There's Rowan and Manos and Crystal Palace. There's cotton chenille and merino and cashmere oh, my!

I liked that there were other types of projects such as a mobile (with mice, so adorable!) and wipe box cover and blankets and other things. I also liked that this book includes projects that are simple enough to turn even the most timid beginner into a self confident knitter.

I didn't succeed in finding anything which I personally could coordinate with the hats from Itty-Bitty Hats, but I've still got some months before the next crop of baby showers... onward and upward.

Oh, also, the photography is very nicely done and compliments (and illustrates) the projects quite well.

Four stars

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  • Started reading
  • 14 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 14 August, 2017: Reviewed