Indigo by Gina Linko, G J Linko


by Gina Linko and G J Linko

Seventeen-year-old Corrine's ability to read people's physio-electricity seems to have brought about her sister's death, but a new friend, Rennick, thinks it might actually be a sixth sense that can be controlled.

Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Indigo was quite a quick, pleasant read. I didn't expect much going into it, but I did enjoy it. It all starts six months after Corinne's little sister died. Corrine believes it was her fault, because her vision went blue and she felt something electric within her, then next thing she knows she's being told her sister is dead. Since then her family has moved permanently to their Summer home in New Orleans, and Corinne has refused to touch (or even speak) to anyone for fear of killing them. At least until a strange boy somehow recognizes her power and attempts to help her understand it.

Indigo is a fairly typical YA Paranormal Romance. Special girl meets mysterious boy. Mysterious boy teaches special girl about her powers. Kissing. Special girl uses power to save mysterious boy. Happily ever after. There's nothing new or surprising here, but I had fun reading it, so I don't care. The story also becomes this "with great power comes great responsibility" tale, because news of Corinne's power gets out, so obviously everyone wants her to heal them. Corinne can't say no because she feels guilty about not being able to save her sister that first time, but thankfully, her parents are involved and tell her that their home is a safe space and she can turn people away. She's not obligated to save everyone as the cost of her herself.

I liked Indigo. There seems to be a lot of books lately with characters who can kill or heal with their touch, and it's all kind of samey. That didn't keep me from enjoying this one though. Maybe because it's more character and romance driven. There's no evil scientists or government agents after Corinne to take advantage of her ability. It's just one girl learning to live again after a trauma, while finding a balance in helping others without harming herself.

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  • 22 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 22 August, 2015: Reviewed