Losing Mum and Pup by Christopher Buckley

Losing Mum and Pup

by Christopher Buckley

Bestselling author Buckley's most personal and transcendent work--the tragicomic true story of the year in which he lost both of his parents. The author offers consolation, wit, and warmth to those coping with the death of a mother or father.

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

4 of 5 stars

Christopher Buckley, an author who I'm rather fond of, turns his trademark wit on himself as he relates his experience of losing both of his parents. Regardless of what one thinks of his father, Christopher's stories about their complicated relationship and their final times together are both heartwarming and sad and worth reading for any fan of the author of Thank You For Smoking.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 January, 2011: Finished reading
  • 30 January, 2011: Reviewed