The Keep by F Paul Wilson

The Keep (Adversary Cycle, NO. 1 OF 6)

by F Paul Wilson

"Something is murdering my men." Thus reads the message received from a Nazi commander stationed in a small castle high in the remote Transylvanian Alps. And when an elite SS extermination squad is dispatched to solve the problem, the men find a something that's both powerful and terrifying. Invisible and silent, the enemy selects one victim per night, leaving the bloodless and mutilated corpses behind to terrify its future victims. Panicked, the Nazis bring in a local expert on folklore--who just happens to be Jewish--to shed some light on the mysterious happenings. And unbeknownst to anyone, there is another visitor on his way--a man who awoke from a nightmare and immediately set out to meet his destiny. The battle has begun: On one side, the ultimate evil created by man, and on the other...the unthinkable, unstoppable, unknowing terror that man has inevitably awakened.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Not the greatest of books and quite cliché-ridden, this is the story of what happens when some Nazis awaken an ancient evil and the evil is actually pretty clever.

I found it entertaining, I've probably read it before but still, it kept me wondering what would happen next. A lot of it was quite transparent. It's not quite as horrific as some others but after an initial slow start I got going and found it hard to put down.

I probably won't read it again but I'm not sorry I did.

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  • 6 January, 2008: Reviewed