Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This quick and erotic read is steamy and fun, with a little bit of suspense thrown in. Nina has wanted Max for a while. But being co-workers, there are rules in place that force her to keep her feelings at bay. While on a weekend retreat, however, things heat up as the two of them share an intense erotic encounter. Max wants Nina worse than ever, but she isn’t willing to risk losing her job for him. When Nina is invited to a Wicked Valentine’s Day Ball, she decides to go and try to get her mind off of Max. Upon showing up, however, she discovers that Max is her escort for the evening. Through a series of events, including someone trying to keep Nina and Max apart, the two of them grow closer than ever and have a Valentine’s Day that neither one will ever forget.

I loved the chemistry between Nina and Max. Their need for one another was so catching, that you could feel the intensity of it throughout the story. The romance that transpires is beautiful, and the erotic love scenes are so hot, they make you hum in all of the right places. The little bit of suspense that’s thrown in keeps the story interesting and adds a unique touch to an erotic short story.

My only gripe? That the story was longer. I would have loved to have read more about Nina and Max, as their story is exactly the kind of erotic romance readers truly enjoy.

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  • 8 March, 2013: Reviewed