Dark Debt by Chloe Neill

Dark Debt (Chicagoland Vampires, #11)

by Chloe Neill


Between standing Sentinel of Cadogan house and making society appearances with House Master Ethan Sullivan, a new member of the American Association of Vampires, Merit has her hands full. The last thing she needs is trouble, especially of the deadly kind.

But when an old friend shows up in need, Merit can’t refuse. Morgan Greer, Master of House Navarre, has gotten himself into serious debt with a dangerous Chicago crime syndicate known as the Triad. And they’re willing to exact more than a pound of flesh for payback—unless Merit can find a way to stop them.

Only the Triad’s connections go deeper than Merit knows, and even one wrong move could be her last…

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

I was just going to read this without posting a review. However, that doesn't seem to be my style. you'd think Merit and Ethan and the rest of the vampires would get a break, not likely. The city of Chicago is always full of new enemies and new adventures. This time it's a few of them at once, a mobster gang called the circle, and someone from Ethans past. with these enemies brings new issues, New questions, and some serious "OMG!" moments. This series has not let me down yet, and I'm sure kill be satisfied all the way to the end.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 14 June, 2017: Reviewed