The Wedding Favor by Cara Connelly

The Wedding Favor (Save the Date, #1)

by Cara Connelly

In her deliciously sexy debut, Cara Connelly gives a whole new meaning to crashing a wedding. Before the wedding Tyrell Brown wanted to get the hell out of Houston and back to his ranch. Instead, he's stuck on a flight to France for his best friend's wedding. To top it off, he discovers he's sharing a seat with Victoria Westin, the blue-eyed, stiletto-heeled lawyer who's been a thorn in his side for months. At the wedding Victoria can't believe it! How can she be at the same wedding as this long, lean cowboy with a killer smile? So what if they shared a few in-flight cocktails, some serious flirting, and a near-miss at the mile-high club? She still can't stand the man! After the wedding The wedding disaster's in the rearview, but the sizzle between these two is still red-hot. They tried to be on their best behavior in France, but back in the States all bets are off ...

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

The Wedding Favor is Cara Connelly’s 2nd novel in the Save the Date series, and she takes us from New York to France, and Texas while sharing this hilarious and heart-warming romance. Victoria is a high strung lawyer, and Tyrell is a cattle rancher. City girl meets cowboy and the chemistry between them is sizzling. Mini review: witty, romantic and hot.
We meet Tyrell Brown and Victoria Westin in court. He is a rancher suing for the wrongful death of his wife, seven years ago, and she is a high powered attorney trying to undermine his case. They loathe each other, and after the trial ends he wants to head back to the ranch, but his best friend is getting married in France. At least he can stretch his legs out in first class and forget about the blue-eyes, stiletto wearing lawyer who has made him crazy the last few weeks. But, alas that is not meant to be because who is sitting in the window seat? You guessed it! Ms. Victoria Westin, and the tale that unfolds is filled with witty banter, snark, and a whole lot of heat.

Tyrell Brown is yum in a pair of cowboy boots, with his sweet words, and love for his horse. He loathes Victoria and thinks she is a cold-hearted bitch; a sexy cold-hearted bitch. Victoria is a pleaser, a Mommy pleasure to be exact. She has spent years doing exactly what mother wants. Has been cheated on, and has had heart broken all while giving up all of her goals. You think I would hate her, right? Wrong, she is hilarious, confused, but sweet and hilarious. She needs to grow a backbone and we see growth in her throughout the novel. The chemistry between them was delicious. I love “love/hate relationships” with heat that develops into more, and watching it all unfold was fun. Tyrell was sweet, knuckled headed and at times he annoyed me with his, “honey” comments but I quickly realized he respects women. Isabelle his best friend and Matt, Victoria’s brother added to the tale. Victoria’s mother is a woman you will love to hate. I would have smacked the ‘tude right off her face. Victoria’s ex added some exciting scenes and humor to the tale.

The Wedding Favor has several familiar tropes but Connelly made the tale feel fresh. She gave the characters depth making this an enjoyable tale. The heated scenes were oh-la-la, and you felt the passion and sexual tension crackle in the air. Tyrell and Victoria’s banter was my favorite part from the, “I hate you death stares” to the “do-me now looks”. It was hilarious, super sexy and kept me wrapped up in the tale. This could have been an insta-love, but the author allowed the relationship to cool off, heat-up and then added depth making it believable. I had issues with a few plot lines that I felt were unnecessary to the plot and slowed the pacing down in areas. The couple had enough obstacles to overcome without the unnecessary drama, and this cause me to lower my rating. The ending wrapped up nicely, and I look forward to reading more from this author.

Fans of humor, and smexy romances will enjoy The Wedding Favor. Overall this was a lovely debut, and I am looking forward to seeing what this author brings us next.

Copy received in exchange for unbiased review and originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 8 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 8 October, 2013: Reviewed