The Immortal Hunter by Lynsay Sands

The Immortal Hunter (Argeneau, #11)

by Lynsay Sands

When vampire Decker Argeneau saves the life of Danielle McGill, who is the target of a group of rogue vampires, he must convince the beautiful doctor that he is her immortal soulmate and destined to love her forever.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

I am just in love with the Argeneau Series, there isn't a book in this series that I just don't love. I think it's the humor, along with the passion that gets me. These books always give me a good laugh or two. This one though was different, it wasn't as funny as the others but it still made me smile a lot. And there's a difference with this book as to the other's... but you will have to read it to find out cause I'm not going to tell you and ruin the fun of finding out. Just take my word when I say its one you want to sink your teeth in, pun definitely intended.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 6 November, 2012: Reviewed