Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

I loved the concept of this story. Jodie and Louise are two single ladies taking on the London dating scene with little success. They take their experiences to a blog and let the world in on their awkward expeditions. Louise is painted as the more attractive and outgoing one, while Jodie is the shy friend. They have each other's backs and persuade the other to go over the line to enjoy life. Speed dating adds another dating notch on their belt. I was expecting complete disaster by the way thing were going, but was pleasantly surprised when Feeney gave the ladies a few viable options.

Feeney drew me in with her snappy narrative and lively characters. I adored Jodie and Louise and felt their pain from similar dating disappointments. This was a short, fun read that I throughly enjoyed an afternoon reading.

Thank you to MB Feeney and Renaissance Romance Publishing for gifting me with a copy of Right Click, Love in exchange for an honest review. I look forward to reading more from MB Feeney in the future.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 May, 2014: Reviewed