Queen of the Darkness by Anne Bishop

Queen of the Darkness (The Black Jewels, #3)

by Anne Bishop

In the astonishing conclusion of Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels Trilogy, the Dark Court has been formed and the end—for some—draws exceedingly near...
Jaenelle Angelline now reigns as Queen—protector of the Shadow Realm. No longer will the corrupt Blood slaughter her people and defile her lands. But where one chapter ends, a final, unseen battle remains to be written, and Jaenelle must unleash the terrible power that is Witch to destroy her enemies once and for all.
Even so, she cannot stand alone. Somewhere, long lost in madness, is Daemon, her promised Consort. Only his unyielding love can complete...Read more

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Messy and complicated and with a lot of politics. Fun read.

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  • 2 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 2 November, 2016: Reviewed
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  • 2 November, 2016: Reviewed
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  • 2 November, 2016: Reviewed