The Cheesemaker's House by Jane Cable

The Cheesemaker's House

by Jane Cable

A new start means new neighbours, from present and past…

When Alice discovers her husband has been cheating there are just three things she wants; their gorgeous second home in Yorkshire, their spaniel William, and a quiet life.

But no sooner than she arrives in Great Fencote, strange things begin to happen. A skinny-dipping swimmer disappears without trace, only to pop up behind the counter of a local coffee shop. Someone seems to be crying at night, but she can’t work out who. And equally unsettling is the incredibly sexy builder she employs to turn her barn into a holiday let.

Old houses hide old secrets, but is The Cheesemaker’s House ready to share the tragedy in its past? And can Alice, café owner Owen, and builder Richard, find a way to lay its ghosts to rest for once and for all?

The perfect read for fans of Barbara Erskine, Kate Ryder and Jenni Keer.

The Cheesemaker’s House was Jane Cable’s debut novel and reached the final four of the Alan Titchmarsh Show’s People’s Novelist competition. Jane now writes under her own name for Sapere Books and as Eva Glyn for Harper Collins imprint One More Chapter.

“The gift here is to make you want to read on.” Jeffery Archer

Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

I am going to admit something to you now. I only started this book last night at about 10pm, as I fell asleep in the early evening and then panicked as I realised my review was due today! Mass panic, so once I calmed down and opened the book, then next thing I knew was it was 12:45am (!) and I had finished the book. From the opening pages, I got goosebumps, I was drawn into this slow burner. I had so many questions throughout this book, and the story of Alice and Owen would not let me rest even if I wanted to sleep.

This review may be vague because there is so much that I can't say. When I picked up this book, I did so without reading any reviews and I am quite glad I didn't, I didn't want anything taken away from this experience and I don't want to ruin yours. There is so much more to the story than the blurb lets on, and even that does not do it justice.

Alice escapes to North Yorkshire, her husband left her after getting a young spritely receptionist pregnant, and she needs to escape. She moves into New Cottage, and it sounds perfect, albeit needing work. She pops into the town and finds a cute coffee shop hidden away where she meets Owen. Owen then gives her the number for Richard who can help with refurbishments required at her cottage. We have Margaret, an elderly lady who is Owen's neighbour and Adam, Owen's best friend, all are integral to the story and I loved each and every one of the characters in this book.

As we progress further into this beautifully haunting book, things start going awry, when Alice hears the incessant heartbreaking sounds of someone sobbing, but not able to pinpoint the location (cue the goosebumps). Richard and Alice see Owen in places he really couldn't be, and secrets are kept. Things are just not what they seem in New Cottage and they test Alice and Owen to the limit. The one clue I can give is this book reminded me of one of my favourite films based in a hotel with Steve Guttenberg, Daryl Hannah and Peter O'Toole (I am not naming the film for the fear of giving too much away) but there is some likeness between the two.

I love this book is based on a real place that the author fell in love with, and from the beautiful description we are entrusted with in this book, I can easily see why. In my head this place is perfect, and the historical element had me intrigued.

This book is a slow burner, but again as I gush over it, it is a  beautiful story spanning decades. When we arrive at the end of the book, I cried, the conclusion was loving, heartwarming and just a little bit tragic, but to me, perfect.  I am adding Jane's other book the Faerie Tree to my list to read, as I absolutely love her writing.

I think this might just be one of my favourite books of the year so far.

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