Eighth Grave After Dark by Darynda Jones

Eighth Grave After Dark (Charley Davidson, #8)

by Darynda Jones

Charley Davidson has enough to be getting on with. She is, after all, incredibly pregnant and feeling like she could pop at any moment. But, just her luck, twelve deadly beasts from hell have chosen this time to escape, and they've made Charley their target. She takes refuge at the only place they can't get to her: the grounds of an abandoned convent. Before long, Charley also has a new case to hold her attention: the decades-old murder of a newly-vowed nun she keeps seeing in the shadows of the convent.

Add to that the still unsolved murder of her...

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Reviewed by littleread1 on

3 of 5 stars

IDK if I was just cranky, or if maybe I am just at the end of my putting up with Charley and Reyes BS rope. But this book ... Was one long bad decision after another. After another. Blerg. Because of how this ended I may give the next one a shot. Or I might just ask someone to break it down for me. It could also be the whole BEP thing. I am not a fan of (show spoiler) . Though there are some revelations made, finally, they also didn't make sense. (show spoiler) Whatever. Lorelei King was a fabulous narrator, as always, and probably made me able to finish this one.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 21 May, 2015: Reviewed