Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I enjoy reading books about big families, so I loved reading about the Kavanagh family, a big, tight knit, boisterous Irish family. They are sarcastic and love to give each other a hard time, but also have each other’s backs. The five Kavanagh brothers are all big, good looking alpha males and when they are all together, women fall all over themselves trying to get their attention. The family owns Legends, a gym that specializes in training in MMA’s fighters.

This story centers on Rory, the oldest of the Kavanagh brothers. He was a successful MMA fighter until he injured his leg a year ago. He still suffers from pain and feels depressed knowing he will never be able to fight again. He is tortured and having a difficult time adjusting to life after fighting. He has always been a womanizer, but once he meets Clare Ivers, he isn’t interested in any other woman.

Claire is trying to get her life back together after running away from an abusive relationship and she is slowly getting her confidence back. Even though Claire is still vulnerable, Rory makes her feel comfortable and with him she can be feisty and opinioned. They have a lot of chemistry together and they help each other heal as they figure out their futures. Rory is all macho male with tattoos and piercings, but he also has a sweet and gentle side and I love the way he treats Clare. He is cocky and arrogant, yet he is also protective, he treats her with respect and takes things slow. This is a slow moving, sweet romance with some suspense included. I enjoyed this book, but at times, I wished it moved a little faster. It is the first book in the Kavanagh Legends series and each book is a stand alone. There are a lot of fun secondary characters included in this story.

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  • 7 October, 2015: Reviewed