Playing Dirty by Jennifer Echols

Playing Dirty

by Jennifer Echols

The sexy second novel in the Stargazer series featuring a public relations expert who tries to prevent the breakup of a raucous country band and corral their wild-and irresistible-lead singer.

Who's zooming who?

Sarah Seville knows how to handle a rock star. As Stargazer PR agency's expert in crisis management, it's her job to keep the talent in line. But she's never encountered a star quite like Quentin Cox. The sexy, enigmatic leader of the raucous country band the Cheatin' Hearts is full of secrets-the kind that could destroy the band before they finish their breakout album. Sarah's mission: get up close and personal with the country heartthrob and find out everything she can before the band goes bottoms up.

Trouble is, Quentin is just as wily as he is irresistible. Convinced that the key to keeping the band together is helping him win his bandmate and former lover back, Sarah decides to play his latest fling and make his ex jealous. But long lingering nights in Quentin's arms leave Sarah breathless- and wondering whether she's fooling anyone but herself. She's falling hard and fast for Quentin, and is in serious danger of bringing the band-and the man-to its knees....

Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

*I received a free ARC of Playing Dirty from Pocket Books via Edelweiss in exchange of an honest review*

Playing Dirty was a truly fun book! I couldn't put it down and stayed up until 3am to finish it to know everything that happened to Sarah and Quentin and the others.

This and all my other reviews are originally posted on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

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  • Started reading
  • 20 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 November, 2013: Reviewed