Chime by Franny Billingsley


by Franny Billingsley

In the early twentieth century in Swampsea, Wales, seventeen-year-old Briony, who can see the spirits that haunt the marshes around their town, feels responsible for her twin sister's horrible injury until a young man enters their lives and exposes secrets that even Briony does not know about.

Reviewed by Stephanie on

4 of 5 stars

This book is extremely different and unique from the ones I'm used to reading. It took me about 200 pages before I really started getting into it. And before that, I almost stopped reading all together.

The narrative was hard for me to read without getting bored. Some sentences I had to read more than once before I understood what they were trying to say. But I eventually got over that and the story really started to pick up. The writing is very beautiful and something you don't see much of now, which I think will turn off a lot of readers.

I really loved Briony, Rose, and Eldric. Briony is constantly reminding herself that she is a wicked person and doesn't deserve to be loved, but Eldric comes in and squashes that. Eldric was my favorite of them all. When Briony and Eldric's relationship started to finally pick up was when I couldn't put the book down.

Rose was such an interesting character. She would always mention secrets that she had, but would never tell them, and she was always so blunt about everything. Despite everyone thinking that she didn't know what was going on most of the time, she was the one who knew more than anyone else.

At first everything seemed so weird. I was really confused about the Old Ones and the history of everything, but it finally clicked and I couldn't get enough. It was all so interesting with the swamp and learning about all the old ones who lived in there.

Despite having trouble in the beginning, I'm really glad I decided to read this book.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 7 March, 2012: Reviewed