Free to Fall by Lauren Miller

Free to Fall

by Lauren Miller

"In a near-future world where everyone is controlled by their smartphones, sixteen-year-old Rory Vaughn suddenly begins listening to the voice within--which kids are taught to ignore--and discovers a terrible plot at the heart of the corporation that makes the devices"--

In a future where everyone is controlled by smartphones, Rory consults her decision-making app to gain entry into a boarding school where she discovers sinister activities. The plot contains profanity and sexual references.

Reviewed by Ashley on

4 of 5 stars

Nose Graze — Book reviews & blogging tips

Holy mother conspiracy! Free to Fall was riddled with secrets, societies, plots, world domination! It was INSANE! Every time we uncovered one layer of the plot, we learned about something else—a totally new layer. It just kept building and building and building until it was this crazy, gigantic, epic web of lies and conspiracies! O_O

On a random note, Free to Fall made me really wish I was the kind of girl who hung out at a coffee shop every day. I feel like that's the kind of thing I see in movies and books and I WANT TO BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE! I'm pretty close in the sense that the ladies at Starbucks have my order memorized, but I always take my coffee to go. I want to be one of those girls who sits in her regular coffee shop chair, sipping her regular drink, and hanging out with other coffee shop people.


I loved the romance in Free to Fall! It was paced out really well. It was intense and there were some "I love you's", but it wasn't insta-love. North and Rory were so cute together! Also, a huge reason why I adored the romance was because of what North was... He's a hacker! Of course I loved him. Some of his quirks were oh-so-awesome. Like how he read the whole Lux terms of service and had pristine first editions of books and had a secret hacker man cave.. loooove!

My one slight gripe with this book was the ending. It was intense and I liked the message the book sent, but I feel like I wanted more. I wanted karma. I wanted revenge. But I don't feel like we got that. Yes, people lost their trust for Lux/technology, but the book REALLY made me hate the secret society and the people behind the brainwashing. I wanted them to suffer and pay.. but it sounds like they got off without even prison time since their names were "off the books" or whatever. That was disappointing. I wanted the world to know who was responsible and stone them to death or something.

Also, I kind of wish that Griffin never died. I thought he was a cool character, and I would have liked him to properly team up with Rory.

But other than that, Free to Fall was A LOT of fun. It's the kind of book that will really grip you! You'll always want to turn the next page to reveal the next layer of the plot, and I love that!!

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  • Started reading
  • 21 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 May, 2014: Reviewed