Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

First of all, I thank Rock Star PR for providing me with an ARC of Campaigning for Christopher by Katy Regnery. The opinions expressed here are 100% mine and I received no form of compensation in exchange for my review.
Campaigning for Christopher is a contemporary interracial romance set in the city of Philadelphia.  It is the fourth book in the Winslow Brothers series and can be read as a stand-alone.  This installment touches on the sensitive issue of racism and the effects it has on the recipient.
In this installment, we meet Christopher Winslow and Julianne Crow.  Christopher was born to a life of privilege while Julianne lived a life stricken with poverty. Julianne, an American Indian from South Dakota, came to Philadelphia with the hope of securing a better future.  She has a huge chip on her shoulder, which made her the perfect patsy to set up Christopher.
 At first I could not fathom how she could be so gullible. She knew nothing about Chris, but she was willing to believe the negative things being said without checking  the facts, as such I was prepared to dislike her.  However, as the story progressed, I came to admire her.  She was willing to admit that she was wrong and took the necessary steps she believed would help to repair the damage. In doing this, she proved  to be a woman of honour and integrity.  This shows that as humans we will make mistakes as we are not perfect, but how we respond to these mistakes will demonstrate the type of person we are.
Christopher is currently running for Congress and is trying to avoid things that would negatively affect his campaign. However, that choice was taken from him that fateful night he laid eyes on Julianne Crow.   When she offered to make amends, he was not keen at first, but when he realised that she may just be his saviour,  he was not above using her.  However, will he be able to get over her betrayal and accept all that she has to offer?
I enjoyed this installment.  The interaction between Julianne and Christopher was entertaining. Christopher had a hard time reconciling his feelings where Julianne was concerned. How could he possibly  be attracted to the woman who tried to destroy his political aspirations.  The characters were complex and relatable. They demonstrated growth and strength.  I liked that Julianne was able to move past her insecurities, thus becoming a woman to be admired by all.
Although I enjoyed the story there were a few issues that I felt needed to be resolved.  These unresolved issues prevented me from giving this a five-star rating.  It’s my belief that addressing these issues would have made for a more dramatic ending.  It would have been good to know who was responsible for setting up Christopher.  In addition, I found it strange that after going through such lengths to stage such an elaborate set up that no one came forward to dispute Julianne and Christophers ‘ claims.
This was an emotional read that held my attention from start to finish.  If you have not started this series and you want something new to sink your teeth in then the Winslow Brother series would be perfect.
“I can’t think about anything but you. I dream about you. I have imaginary conversations with you. I go to YouTube and replay that press conference kiss over and over again to torture myself because I can’t get enough of seeing you in my arms, melting into me. I don’t want you?” He took a step toward her, stalking her, taking her arm so she couldn’t pull away from him, and leaning into her personal space until they were almost nose to nose. “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you!”

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  • 1 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2015: Reviewed