Refraction by Naomi Hughes


by Naomi Hughes

After an attack on earth, all reflective surfaces become weapons to release monsters, causing a planet-wide ban on mirrors. Despite the danger, the demand rises, and 17-year-old Marty Callahan becomes a distributor in an illegal mirror trade - until he’s caught by the mayor's son, whose slate is far from clean. Both of them are exiled for their crimes to one of the many abandoned cities overrun by fog. But they soon realise their thoughts influence their surroundings and their deepest fears begin to manifest.

Together, the two discover the horrifying truth behind what really happened when the spaceship was destroyed, and what they must do to save earth from the total destruction no one knows is coming.

With fast pacing and riveting characters, this is a book that you’ll finish in one sitting.

Reviewed by jeannamichel on

5 of 5 stars

Phenomenal! Outstanding writing. An out of this world story that you've never encountered before! Review to come.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 November, 2019: Finished reading
  • 20 November, 2019: Reviewed