Into the Grey by Celine Kiernan

Into the Grey

by Celine Kiernan

An evocative and chilling ghost story from the creator of the internationally acclaimed Moorehawke Trilogy.

After their nan accidentally burns the family home down, twin brothers Patrick and Dominick move with their parents and baby sister to a small cottage by the sea. The family has spent many a happy summer there but never a winter – and against a backdrop of howling storms and wild seas, the haunting of the twins begins...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Yes, I know Celine to talk to but this doesn't stop me from being honest about liking this book.

Set in the early 70s this is the story of Patrick Finnerty and his family. His twin Dominick, his sister Deirdre, his mum, dad, grandmother who is slipping into dimentia and what happens when they have to move house when their house burns down (their grandmother is responsible)

It touches on issues of care falling on a single person in a family, and dealing with a dimentia patient. Then it takes a turn to horror. The two see figures that they describe as a goblin and the bad man, when Dom starts to behave strangely the adults see it as stress due to the enforced move and the loss of everything familiar but Patrick knows it's something else, a ghost trying to take over Dom, having forced Dom out.

Patrick has to rescue his brother and find out what the ghost wants. I liked it, the help from the grandmother was also interesting, as if somehow the dimentia helped her understand the situation better and the scenes between her and her old friend were very interesting and touching.

Kept me up, kept me reading, loved it.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 7 March, 2013: Reviewed