Smitten by the Brit by Melonie Johnson

Smitten by the Brit (Sometimes in Love, #2)

by Melonie Johnson

Bonnie Blythe has modeled her life after her favorite books. If only her fiance would get on the same page and agree to a wedding date.

She’s not at all bitter that her best friend is getting married to a man she’s known for less than a year, and Bonnie most definitely isn’t thinking about the best man to be, Theo Wharton. It’s just whenever she talks with the blue-eyed Brit, sparks fly.

When a shocking reveal ends Bonnie’s engagement, she accepts a summer teaching job at Cambridge - only an hour away from Theo. Bonnie isn’t...Read more

Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I was interested in reading Smitten by the Brit. The sparks that Bonnie and Theo had in Getting Hot with the Scot was amazing. But, since Bonnie was engaged and Theo was a gentleman, they didn’t do anything about it. So, yes, I was interested in the book. I needed to know if they got together.

The plot for Smitten by the Brit was pretty straightforward. Bonnie walks in on her fiancee having sex with another woman on her bed. Devastated, she decides to take a summer job teaching in England. Where Theo is. The more Bonnie hangs out with Theo, the more she starts falling for him. Is it a rebound? Or is what she’s feeling for Theo the real thing?

I liked Bonnie. She was one of the more relatable characters that I have read in awhile. I liked that she was quirky, loved Shakespeare, and loved to read. She was a sweet girl in this book.

Theo annoyed me but I liked him. He was between a rock and a hard place the entire book. I wish that he grew a backbone sooner than later.

Bonnie and Theo’s relationship was a huge focal point of the book. I mean, it is a romance novel about them. I loved that the author didn’t have Bonnie fall heads over heels for Theo right after her break up with Gabe. It wouldn’t have sat right with me. Instead, she was an emotional mess. She was dealing with the baggage of Gabe cheating on her (and blaming her for it, flipping tool!!). That baggage had to be dealt with in order for her to move onto Theo. In that sense, the book did go slowly. Which I didn’t mind, weirdly enough. But, once she arrived in England, their relationship sped up. And that was months after her breakup with Gabe.

The sexual attraction and sexual tension carried over from Getting Hot with the Scot. I loved it. I haven’t read a book where the sexual tension between secondary characters were carried over as flawlessly as it did in this one. The author did a fantastic job of building it up and keeping it up. For the entire book. Loved it. Each sex scene was explosive. Each sex scene was fantastic.

I also liked the humor in Smitten by the Brit. From the beginning, I was giggling at the one liners that Bonnie, Ana, Sadie, Delaney, and Cassie had. The whole scene with Ana showing Bonnie how to give a blowjob on a popsicle was hilarious.

As much as I liked the book and its characters, there were some parts of it I didn’t like. I couldn’t stand Theo’s mother. Talk about a controlling, cold woman. She was rude to Bonnie. She had absolute control over Theo. She left a bad taste in my mouth. I also didn’t like how Bonnie refused to talk to Cassie about her feelings. I understood why she didn’t want to talk to Cassie. But, she should have been honest with her.

The end of the book was fantastic. I am not going to get into it. I will say this. It was the perfect ending for this book!!

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  • 19 March, 2019: Finished reading
  • 19 March, 2019: Reviewed