The Time of Contempt by Andrzej Sapkowski

The Time of Contempt (The Witcher, #2)

by Andrzej Sapkowski

Geralt the Witcher has fought monsters and demons across the land, but even he may not be prepared for what is happening to his world. The kings and armies are maneuvering for position, each fearing invasion from across the river, each fearing their neighbours more. Intrigue, dissent and rebellion are on all sides. The Elves and other non-humans are still suffering under decades of repression, and growing numbers join the commando units hidden deep in the forest, striking at will and then dissolving into the trees. The Magicians are fighting amongst themselves, some in the pay of the kings,...Read more

Reviewed by smartflutist661 on

5 of 5 stars


After the slow beginning of [b:Blood of Elves|6043781|Blood of Elves (The Witcher, #1)|Andrzej Sapkowski||1877722], things really start to pick up in the second in the series. There's a bit more monster-slaying, but it's still primarily a book about war, and the politics that shape it. Ciri begins to come into her own as a character (perhaps the central character, despite the name of the series, though Geralt's importance should not be understated). For the first time in the series I noticed a couple of places where the translation was a little wonky, but overall still meets the standard of the previous books. Definitely an interesting take on the classic sword-and-sorcery genre.

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  • 1 January, 2020: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2020: Reviewed