Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

I have to do a little happy dance every time I get a new Caisey Quinn book to read, but I think FALLING FOR FATE has to be my favorite by far (sorry Trace).

As the second book in the Second Chance series, it takes a bit of a departure and moves from the rehab ranch of the same name in Texas to the big Yankee city of New York. There, broken hearted Fate Buchanan tries to put her shattered life back together as she starts her new job at Maxwell Medical. She didn't expect the newly appointed CFO to be the man who divested her of the one thing she was saving for her cheating ex on the night her life broke apart or for the sparks between them to nearly burn the office building down. Fate has to decide if her heart can take a second chance at falling in love.

Dean Maxwell is now on my book boyfriend list. The self professed playboy was not match for fate or Fate when her met her that night on the beach. So instead of being the calm, cool ladies man he thought he was, he turned into this alpha cave man who would love nothing more than dragging his woman around by her hair as a sign that all other guys should back off. Dean struggled with these feelings, because he thought he wasn't that guy. But the more time he spent with Fate, the more that alpha man came out and demanded he get his woman.

Both Dean and Fate make some big mistakes in their burgeoning relationship, but they are both easy to forgive and talk through their issues. The essence of these characters makes it truly hard not to fall in love with them. I was pulling for them, from the very beginning, wanting them both to get out of their own way to admit how they feel. It may take them a little bit to understand what they feel and one big demonstration of love from Dean, but this couple finally got it right, making this an absolute joy to read.

If you haven't had the opportunity to read Casiey Quinn before, definitely consider this book. Despite being the second book in the series, this is a stand alone book and one hell of a way for you to be introduced to Caisey Quinn and her fabulous stories.

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  • 30 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 30 September, 2014: Reviewed