Forget Me by K.A. Harrington

Forget Me

by K.A. Harrington

Forget Me is a heart-pounding novel that draws you in and keeps you guessing until the very end.

Two names. One face. A dangerous secret exposed.

Morgan never minded her boyfriend Flynn's dark and private nature. She found it mysterious and alluring. But now he's dead, and she can't move on. She feels much like her dying town, River's End, with its overgrown amusement park and abandoned houses- once happy... now fading away.

Hoping for some closure, Morgan uploads her only picture of Flynn to the social media site FriendShare along with a note to say good-bye. But she's shocked when the facial recognition software suggests she tag him as Evan Murphy. She's never heard of Evan. A quick search reveals that he lives in a nearby town and looks exactly like Flynn. Same eyes, nose, jawline. Only this boy is very much alive. Digging through layers of secrets, Morgan questions everything she thought she knew about her town, her boyfriend, and even her parents' involvement in this massive web of lies.

Forget Me is a heart-pounding novel that draws you in and keeps you guessing until the very end.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

3 of 5 stars

Rating : 3.50

While I did really enjoy this book. I didn't like the insta-love, I got why it happened but still wish it wouldn't have.

Now onto the good part. I really enjoyed the mystery and how you could never figure it out until the very end pretty much. While I did have my suspicions on who the whistle blower was, I was not expecting it to be who it was.

I liked how pretty much up until the end Morgan didn't trust Evan that much and that she didn't just fully trust him right off the bat because he looked exactly like Flynn.

What I loved the most though was Morgan and Toni's friendship. I liked how even though they both had love interests going on in the end they always stuck together mostly. I was slightly worried that once Evan came into the picture Toni was going to be out of it. But thankfully that never happened.

All in all this was a enjoyable quick read.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 30 January, 2015: Reviewed