Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

2 of 5 stars

While this doesn't come close to be the worst thing I've ever read, it has its issues worth noting. The overall story is a fairly standard paranormal romance set up, and there isn't a whole lot of flair or plot to be had, unfortunately. From the series title, I thought there would be more in terms of her job or her life outside of the love interest, unfortunately, that's not that case. Pretty much every aspect of this book revolves in some way around her personal relationships and if it edges past that it's just enough to have a hint of a larger plot in progress.

As for the main character, she's kind of bland and I don't feel like she had much of a personality. She is supposedly this woman who stands up for herself, but that's about it. Everyone in her life, men mostly, constantly tells her what to do even in positive situations and she's basically this sort of cookie-cutter place holder or self-insert. The love interest is honestly a bit of a creep and his charm seems to be more implied than actually shown.

There just isnt' enough here to have me interested in coming back to the series for more.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 11 August, 2020: Reviewed