His Housekeeper's Christmas Wish by Louise Allen

His Housekeeper's Christmas Wish (Lords of Disgrace, #1)

by Louise Allen


Accidentally colliding with Tess Ellery on the icy streets of Ghent is definitely not the way resolute bachelor Alexander Tempest, Viscount Weybourn, intended to start the festive period. He might have mistaken her for a nun, but there’s nothing innocent about his reaction to Tess’s delicious curves…

When Tess is left stranded, Alex is honour-bound to take her home…as his housekeeper! And, despite his long-held rule of spending Christmas alone, Tess’s vivacity soon has this brooding Lord determined to make all her Christmas wishes come true!

Lords of Disgrace Bachelors for life!

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Amazing what a bus trip will do to your reading!

After Tess Ellery leaves the convent in Ghent where she has been living for a while since her parents died, the last thing she expected to happen is for an aristocratic Englishman, Alexander Tempest, Viscount Weybourn, to bowl her over and to damage her ankle, but at least he offered to take her to a doctor, who happens to be one of his friends. When he doesn't wake her early enough for her transport to England he offers take her there himself, but it's dangerous, they are starting to feel something for each other and things get complicated when her sanctuary in England rejects her and she has to seek Weybourn out for help.

There she finds herself caught up in his life and they become more attracted, but can they survive his issues and her past?

It was a good read.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 21 November, 2015: Reviewed